Just cause 4
Just cause 4

just cause 4

This section tells you how to find and unlock most of that.

just cause 4 just cause 4

There is a lot to find in Just Cause 4, mostly tools of destruction that you can use as your implements as you paint a tapestry of chaos and mayhem on the canvas of the game’s world. I don’t know how the in game contextual justification for this works, but every time you increase your Chaos Level, you get +2 Squad Reserves in game. Liberate enemy regions. This one should go without saying: liberate more regions, and get more people to join your chaos.Happily enough, they’re rather easy to get more of: Squad Reserves are necessary to progress through Just Cause 4. You get some for free early in the game, but from there on, have to earn more. This guide deals with getting the most out of all that. It’s a massive, massive open world game, with a sandbox playground, and full of things for you to hunt down and discover.

Just cause 4